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Visualize Your First Record

After creating a project, you can create and manage records within the project. Records are the basic type for managing data in coScene. Within records, you can upload, modify, edit, and visualize data supported by coScene. For a detailed concept about records, please refer to the section about records in the data model.

1. Create a Record

After entering the project, click "Create Record" to start the record creation process. For a detailed operation guide on records, please refer to the section about records in the operation guide.

2. Upload Files

Upload Files from Local

The newly created record does not have any files yet. You can add files by uploading them from your local machine. Click the "Upload File" button in the middle of the screen, select a file, and upload it. Here, we choose a ROS Bag file.

After the file has been successfully uploaded, we can see the uploaded file in the file list. In addition to basic information like file size, you might also notice some data version and history information. You can find more about data versions and history in the section about records in the operation guide and the section about records in the data model.

3. Visualize Data

For robot data like ROS Bag, the coScene platform supports online visualization of data using cloud-based streaming. Click the "Play Record" button to enter the visualization page.

🎉🎉 Congratulations, you have just uploaded and visualized your first data on the coScene platform. You can freely explore the visualization page. For a detailed explanation about the visualization page, please refer to the section about visualization in the operation guide.