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Rule Engine

Input Data

Conceptually, the Rule Engine deals with a stream of tuples (including message, timestamp, topic, message type). When writing rules, users can access the input data through corresponding variables (msg, ts, topic, msgtype).

Depending on the file type being processed, the coScene agent will populate the variables according to the following table:

Bag file (ROS, MCap, etc)Log file
msg: anyMessage dataEncapsulated from a line in the log file as Foxglove.Log
ts: floatTimestampParsed from a single line log
topic: strTopic nameLog file name
msgtype:strMessage typeFoxglove.Log


  • Timestamp is the number of seconds elapsed since 1970/01/01 00:00:00, in float type.
  • Efforts will be made to parse the timestamp, for more information see Supported Timestamp Formats

Log Data

To facilitate the reading of log data, we provide additional extractors for the following log data types (log, log_level):

  • Protobuf or JSON: foxglove.Log
  • ROS: foxglove_msgs/Log
  • ROS: rosgraph_msgs/Log

log: Filters the supported message types and returns the log content

log == 'Error occurred!' # Triggers when a line of log is 'Error occurred!'

log_level: Filters the supported message types and returns the log level

Users can enumerate different log levels using log_level

  • INFO
  • WARN
log_level == LogLevel.FATAL # Triggers whenever a FATAL log appears


  • ==
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • a and b
  • a or b
  • not a
  • a in b

Sequence Matchers

  • sustained

    sustained(context, condition, duration)

    Triggers when the given condition is true for a duration longer than duration. (context is the message filter used to evaluate condition.)

    # The syntax below monitors all messages with topic '/velocity',
    # and triggers if the value of liner.x is greater than 20 for more than 10 s
    topic == '/velocity',
    msg.linear.x > 20,
  • repeated

    repeated(condition, times, duration)

    Triggers when the given condition is triggered times within the specified duration.

    # Triggers when 'Error 12345 happened' is included in the log, and occurs 5 times within 60 seconds
    'Error 12345 happened' in log,
  • sequential

    sequential(c1, c2, ..., duration)

    Sequential can set any number of conditions, and triggers if all conditions are triggered in order within the duration in seconds.

    If no duration is set, then there is no time limit.

    # Triggers if all initialization is executed and time is less than 10 seconds
    'Initialization start' in log,
    'All modules loaded' in log,
    'Localization initialized' in log,
    'Initialization complete' in log,

    # Triggers if the task fails, with no time limit
    'Task started' in log,
    'Task failed' in log
  • throttle

    throttle(condition, duration)

    The condition triggers no more than once within the duration in seconds. If triggered multiple times within the duration, only the first data meeting the condition triggers the condition.

    "123" in log,
  • debounce

    debounce(condition, duration)

    Triggers when the condition is met. This syntax includes a timer; if the condition is triggered again within the duration in seconds, debounce does not trigger and the timer is reset.

    # Triggers when 'Error 12345' is detected, if 'Error 12345' triggers multiple times within 2 seconds,
    # only the first detected 'Error 12345' triggers
    'Error 12345' in log_text,
  • any_order

    any_order(condition1, condition2, ...)

    All conditions trigger, regardless of the order of occurrence.

    any_order("123" in log, "789" in log, "456" in log)
  • timeout

    timeout(condition1, condition2, ..., duration)

    If all condition1 triggers, but the remaining condition fails to be sequentially triggered within the duration, this rule triggers.

    # The condition triggers if all conditions are not triggered within the duration period

    timeout("123" in log, "456" in log, duration=1)

Value Passing

get_value(key) and set_value(key, value), two methods are used for passing values between different conditions.

# Triggers if a request completes within the given time.
# Requests are matched by id
set_value('req_id', regex_search(log_text, 'Send request (\\d+)').group(1)),
regex_search(log_text, 'Request (\\d+) completed').group(1) == get_value('req_id'),


  • concat(...): String concatenation

    concat('a', 'b', 123) # 'ab123'
  • regex_search(value, pattern): Checks if value matches pattern

    If successfully matched, returns a Python Match object.

    regex_search('Current speed is 20', 'speed is (\\d+)').group(1) # 20